Nutritional Balance - The imbalance of nutrients that we consume, can cause health problems and excess weight. Poor nutrition may be due as follows:

Things that affect the nutritional quality include:



Excessive fertilizing the soil with pesticide spraying
Preserving the deteriorating environmental situation and the process of cooking food storage
Digestion problems
The use of drugs
Alcohol and smoking
Poor nutrition


Intake of calories into the body exceeds the number of calories out, so the excess is stored in the body into fat deposits are scattered in certain parts, such as waist, abdomen, upper arms, and other body parts.
Lifestyle and diet, which consume more foods with high fat content, a little exercise, even sometimes do not do at all, which may be due to activities that are too busy or lazy.
Snacking habits, often done when we feel hungry, or even at bedtime. There are many of us who always provides snacks in our bedroom.
Of the estimated 210 million population of Indonesia in 2000, the number of people who are overweight is estimated to reach 76.7 million (17.5%) and obese patients totaled more than 9.8 million (4.7%). Based on these data, it can be concluded that overweight and obesity in Indonesia has become a major problem that requires serious treatment.

The estimated prevalence of overweight and obesity in Indonesia
(Dit BGM MOH, 1997)


And what do we do after realizing that our body feel fat or overweight? Many of us immediately go on a diet, without knowing the correct diet is healthy.
Diet circle Wrong

Most people use various methods to reduce weight. They run a low-calorie diet, the use of wrapping the body, exercise machines, pills and drinks, as well as join weight-loss clinic. Statistics show that 90% of people who diet gain back the weight they lose within one year, All sorts of efforts have been made. What is missing is effort & money - not weight.

And what most diet is a diet cycle or circle without end of the base, starting from:

Feeling obesity / overweight. Once aware of the overweight, decided to start reducing it.
Diet / Reduce Food. A diet that is done by reducing the usual foods consumed to reduce fat.
Hunger and lack of Vitamins and Minerals. By reducing the food, the body will experience the impact of a reduction in Vitamins and Minerals that are normally received from the food consumption.
Disadvantages of Micro and Macro Substance (Stress and Hunger). In fact, your body will feel weak, irritable, and the pain of hunger.
Discouragement. How did it go? Weight loss, but felt weak and hungry.
Overeating / Revenge. End what happens is eating all the foods commonly eaten in excess because of hunger and feel confident body weight has been reduced. And cause, the agency received back in excess of food intake and will be back to being fat because of the uncontrolled release of food consumed.

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Third World's Largest Indonesian smokers - Indonesia is still ranked third for the number of smokers in the world, which is about 65 million people. This figure will continue to increase if the government does not regulate the behavior of smoking and the tobacco industry and cigarette advertising ban does not apply.

As an ambassador antitembakau, 38 finalists of Miss Indonesia 2010 appear in the action concerned with the National Tobacco Control themed Healthy, Smart and Achievement without smoking at City Walk Sudirman, Jakarta, Saturday (10/02/2010).

This is expressed by the Chairman of the National Commission on Tobacco Control, Laksmiati Hanafiah, when met, Saturday (10/02/2010) on the sidelines of Peace Action Healthy, Smart and Achievement without smoking that was held at Citywalk Sudirman, Jakarta.

According to the woman who was familiarly called Mia, the age of the smokers in Indonesia, more in the range of 15 to 19 years. "Among 70 percent of the number of smokers it is the middle to bottom of society," he said.

As a result, continued Mia, the parents of the lack of attention to nutrition among their children. "The money is supposed to buy food, was spent for buying cigarettes," he said.

Secretary General of the National Commission on Tobacco Control, Suhardi, said that, among smokers of low-educated people and finances to lower middle sentence was less attention to the dangers of smoking warnings.

"Better in cigarette packs, there is a memorial with the picture. For example, images of disease caused by smoking, such as stroke and cancer," said Suhardi.

He said the neighbors have tried to apply the warning smoke through the picture.

"Malaysia, Singapore and other countries have been practicing them. Evidently, the number of smokers in some countries that experienced a decline 15-20 percent," he said.

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Plastic Surgery Dangers - You want more beautiful with plastic surgery but before you decide you should recognize some kinds of facts about the operation. Plastic surgery is now much in demand by women to beautify themselves from the start face to the body. Recognize the fact that true beforehand as it was written by a renowned plastic surgeon from the U.S. that is Dr.Z.Paul Lorenc, MD in his book 'A Little Work: Behind The Doors Of A Park Avenue Plastic Surgeon'.

All plastic surgery always leaves a scar but thanks to the development of medical technology, the former can be removed so it looks sketchy. But still, when surgery is followed by suturing will always cause scars.

Liposuction (liposuction) or commonly called liposuction surgery does make the body look slimmer on the part that was difficult dwarfed by diet or exercise. But actually it is useless because it can worsen the appearance of cellulite. This will happen when the amount of fat sucked so much that even more wrinkled skin. Association of Plastic Surgeons in the United States (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) limiting the maximum amount of fat can be suctioned is 6 pounds each time the operation because if more than that amount then it will be fatal.

Operations must always have a risk and if your doctor suck too much fat in your body it can cause death. That is because body fluids and blood is sucked would very much and one third of the material out of the body when liposuction is blood. Too many out of fat, blood and fluid causing shock patients, who result work of the heart failure. If indeed you want to perform this operation then ask your doctor how much fat to be removed.

There are several types of plastic surgery that can cause pain such as abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck to tighten the stomach; Breast Augmentation to raise breast. This is because both the size of the additive material is made of silicone or saline should be placed under the pectoral muscle, which means the muscles must be cut first.

Full Face Laser is a powerful laser beam is used to eliminate wrinkles and scars. Because of its strength, the effect is the same as serious burns or second degree burn on the skin. Thigh Lift is a surgery to tighten the thigh while the Body Lift serves to tighten the whole body and the doctor must cut the skin in large numbers.

You should avoid some types of surgery such as Butt Implant surgery is an addition to the size of the buttocks. If indeed you want a sexy and beautiful buttocks should do sports. Because if you are operating your butt will then infiltrated magnifying materials such as silicone or saline in the muscles of the buttocks and the result still does not look natural as well as very high risk. The reason is because the butt all the time is always occupied, so the risk of silicone or saline for rupture is high. Besides the possibility of silicone or saline will be shifted to another place because it is often occupied.

Lip Impant a bold lip surgery is performed with a silicone material and Gore-Tex. The results of these operations is to form a thick lip, very unnatural. If you are not satisfied with the results then you can not remove the two materials because it is permanent. The risk of this surgery can also make your lips hurt and damaged.

Buccal fat pads removal is the surgical removal of fat in the cheek pouch for the impression of a sharp cheekbones or higher. When you get older then the face will naturally shrink. If you perform this operation then over time the face will look more jackson and until now no way to restore the fat into the cheek.

But if you still want to do plastic surgery then you should choose the best doctor and do not easily persuaded by the discount. Do not perform plastic surgery in the beauty salon or a non-expert because the stakes are not just the beauty of the face and your body but your soul can fly.

Are you ready to be all the risks that will occur after plastic surgery? If not ready then you should undo your intention to do so. Take care of your natural beauty to radiate a natural beauty.

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General Information About Medifast

What is Medifast ?

Medifast is a portion controlled, nutritionally balanced, low fat and clinical programs that help people lose weight faster and more effectively than traditional diet plans. Medifast meals come in individual packets are mixed with water and microwave or cooled. Medifast is available in a variety of foods and flavors including shakes, soups, stews, chili, oatmeal, egg batter, fruit drinks, iced tea, hot beverages, bars and puddings.

How does Medifast work?

Medifast 5 & 1 is a medical plan that is designed to create a calorie deficit, so your body to burn fat for energy. Each nutritionally balanced Medifast Meal is formulated with a proven combination of carbohydrates and proteins, allowing you to successfully lose weight while maintaining lean muscle mass. Each Medifast a nutritionally balanced food formulated with a proven combination of carbohydrates and proteins, which allow you to successfully lose weight while maintaining muscle mass.

How easy weight reduction program with the Medifast (Medifast weight loss)?

With the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan, you will eat meals a day 6-5 Food Medifast meals and 1 lean & vegetables. You can choose from five food Medifast our menu of over 60 Medifast foods, including shakes, bars, soups, pudding, oatmeal, egg batter, and more. Food is not greasy & vegetables your daily balance consists of lean protein (such as beef, chicken or fish) and vegetables, you can prepare yourself.

Do you understand the medifast ??

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Quick Medifast Diet And Safe Weight Loss

This is the time of year when everyone is thinking about changing things in their lives that they are not happy with. It seems for the most common New Year's resolutions to do with losing weight, stopping smoking and changing spending habits. Medifast diet program is a good thing to put in your arsenal tools to make lifestyle changes.

This program is a weight loss program that has helped many people lose weight and can be performed substantially faster than most weight loss plan if you follow this way is designed. This diet plan is usually available only through doctors' offices, but in recent years have become available online and through certain Medifast clinics.

Many people in this country would benefit from a reliable and safe weight loss. Obesity-related medical problems to steal their lives one day at a time. For 25 years, Medifast has been in business helping people return to a healthy weight. This weight loss program has been recommended by over 15,000 physicians and used by more than 1 million customers.! br! br! This diet program is basically a healthy meal replacement plan that includes one meal per day and 5 Medifast meal replacement foods that are part of their program. Meal replacement products has gained much credibility in the industry of weight loss. Medifast meal replacement foods have been clinically proven in multiple studies conducted by major university teaching facility.! br! br! Many products contain soy which is required for heart health. This is a sound nutritional food as required by law and are also low fat, low in calories. Medifast foods fortified with all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to maintain muscle while still losing weight.

Meal replacement diets will also eliminate the desire to lead by consuming products that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. This program will help you feel comfortable sebuahd free to starve because of food-6 you will eat every day. You will eat every 2-3 hours helps to eliminate unnecessary snacking between meals.

People who need to lose weight often do so on their first attempt. If you have tried other weight loss plan does not work, you may want to consider to give this diet a try. You may not need to diet again. This program can help you reduce your weight quickly and safely. Regain a healthy weight is the most Important part of the weight, but looks great too periphery both benefit.

you want to join to lose weight?

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Dangers of Soft Drinks - Danger often fizzy drinks! From now on, be careful. cheap drugs online you should know that behind the sensation of taste is refreshing, soft drinks keep a serious danger to the body.

Harm Kidneys
United States doing research on the dangers of 3256. They regularly consume fizzy drinks at least 2 times a day. The result, as much as 30% of respondents suffered kidney damage and decreased function.
According to experts, it is associated with the content of soft drinks, ie, artificial sweeteners, artificial colorings, caffeine, and phosphoric acid.

Increase Diabetes Risk
The people with diabetes to consume sugar is strictly prohibited. This is because the hormone insulin in the body is not enough, not even able to convert these sugars into the muscle sugar (glycogen). As a result, blood sugar (glucose) to rise and harm.
Remember, diabetes is one disease that could trigger other diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart damage. If you consume lots of soft drinks, in addition to potentially leading to diabetes, stroke and heart damage can also occur korone. It should be noted that diabetes arises not only because of heredity. People who come from normal could be suffering from diabetes.

Increases Obesity Risk
Carbonated beverages rich in calories. Calories into the body can increase the risk of obesity. Not only for people who are already adults, children can suffer from obesity.
In the United States, rates of obesity in children is very high. One reason is fizzy drinks. Children in the United States consume fizzy drinks like a drink of water. After eating, they'll drink soda.
The result, they are many who suffer from obesity.
Remember, obesity is one of the triggers of the emergence of other diseases. Among diabetes, stroke, coronary heart damage, and various other serious illnesses.

Increase Risk Fragile Bones
One of the content of carbonated beverages is phosphoric acid. In a penelititan, phosphoric acid can cause disease of bone fragility. This is because phosphoric acid can dissolve the calcium in the bones. As a result, bones become brittle and porous.
Harvard University have made research on this subject. They observed a teenage athlete consuming carbonated drinks and who do not consume soft drinks. The result, teenage athletes consumed carbonated beverages had a broken bone 5 times more than the teenage athletes who did not consume fizzy drinks.

Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
In a study in the United States, the content of carbonated beverages is believed to be one of the triggers of pancreatic cancer. In that study, 87% of respondents who consume fizzy drinks at least 2 times a day increased the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Research conducted on 60,524 respondents (consumer of soft drinks) for 14 years. The result, 87% had pancreatic cancer risk, visible through the symptoms.

Increase Damage to the Dental
In one study, 3200 respondents were damaged teeth by consuming soft drinks. This is of course due to the existing content of sugars in the drink. Not only that, phosphoric acid also contributed to tooth decay by dissolving calcium teeth.

Increasing Reliance on Caffeine
Carbonated drinks contain caffeine. This substance had always been known as a substance that can make people dependent. Although caffeine has a positive effect on the body, the negative effects of caffeine were more. For example, making heart palpitations, insomnia, low blood pressure, and others.
After listening to the dangers of soft drinks such, you should immediately replace fizzy drinks menu with other beverages that are beneficial to health. For example, cow's milk, soy milk, water, green tea, black tea, fruit juice, or yogurt. That way, you will avoid the risk of serious diseases that threaten the body.

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Eight Benefits of Diet Vegetables

Adjusting the diet by increasing consumption of vegetables is known as a healthy way of life. Even though only consumed once a week. Here are some benefits of eating vegetables as reported by The Times of India:

1. Detoxification
Vegetables such as pumpkin, spinach, or cabbage contain fiber that can remove toxins from the body. Diet is only with eggs, fish, and mutton is not sufficient to meet the needs of our fiber.

2. In order for stronger bones
Eating too much meat can lead to excessive levels of the protein that can interfere with the kidneys. As a result, impaired calcium absorption and force the body takes calcium from the bones. However, in vegetarians, this is rare.

3. Enough carbohydrates
Nonvegetarian diet can result in our lack of carbohydrate sources. Lack of carbohydrates can lead to ketosis, in which the body starts using lemat (not carbohydrates) as energy source.

4. Facilitate digestion
Complex carbohydrates in vegetarian foods are digested gradually and regularly, so provide a source of glucose remained. Conversely, the meat rich in fat and proteins are difficult to digest.

5. Healthy Skin
Eating vegetables from the root crops like carrots and radishes, tomatoes, and pumpkins can clean the stain on the face. In addition, guava, apples, pears, and peaches are eaten along with the skin, can result in skin that shines.

6. Weight management
Avoiding meat is the simplest way to reduce fat intake. Instead, eat whole grains, legumes (beans), vegetables, nuts, and fruits can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and obesity.

7. Protecting your teeth
We are more suited molar chewing grains and vegetables than meat cuts. Digestion begins from the saliva which can only digest the complex carbohydrates found in plant foods.

8. Phytonutrient sources
Diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, stroke, and osteoporosis can be prevented by phytonutient or nutrient intake for activating the process of burning fat in the body, slowing the aging process, and contain antioxidants. These materials are only contained in vegetables.

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Is it diet?

Diet is the activity of eating food in a way regulated to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. Diet done by some people with different goals. There are some people on a diet to maintain health at the instigation of doctors or because of suffering from certain diseases, and some are on a diet because of problems with her weight.
Diet is done to maintain health is usually done by people with diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney, heart, gout, and patients with other diseases that required a diet. Diet is also usually performed by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Diets that do aim to get the ideal body weight, have different ways to lose weight for an overweight (obesity) and raise the weight for the less or not until ideal weight. Diet is also commonly performed by athletes, they usually follow a diet to maintain body weight (for forming or maintaining their muscle shape).
Diet is used to maintain a stable weight. For those who have an ideal body weight but it is easy to gain weight normally be a diet to maintain their weight to remain stable.
In the diet, proper diet is necessary in accordance with the needs and ages. This is necessary because with the right diet program for us the goal of a diet that will be achieved. Many kinds of diet programs and everyone is not necessarily going to the same result in applying the same diet program. For that it would be nice before you go on a diet, consult with your doctor, nutritionist, or someone who expert in diet programs.
Diet is not only done by adults only. Many teenagers and children on a diet. Usually their diet program will vary with diet programs that adults do.
In the diet program will usually include a variety of prescription diets. In addition to adjusting the diet is usually a diet to maintain weight, especially for weight loss is usually accompanied by physical exercise.
So before you will start a diet program, there are several things to note are:

  • Define your objectives before the diet.
  • Consult your diet plan with your doctor, nutritionist or experts in the diet.
  • Consistency in implementing a diet program.

Welcome to Diet

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Causes of Bleeding Gums - Problem of bleeding gums can be experienced most of the people. Generally the problem is recognized when brushing your teeth. However, perhaps not everyone knows what the real cause of bleeding gums and how precise handling.

Bleeding gums can be caused by many things. The most common cause is the presence of plaque and tartar (calculus) that sticks to the tooth surface. Our teeth coated by a transparent layer called the pellicle slippery. Pellicle is colonized by bacteria called plaque. Furthermore, if not cleaned then the plaque may be susceptible to mineralization (hardening) so as to form tartar attached to the tooth surface. Usually tartar teeth found in the neck.

Tartar is not only attached to the tooth surface is visible (located above the gum line) but can also be attached to the tooth surface is covered by gum. Tartar on the surface of the bacterial colony is usually also present. Colonies of bacteria in plaque and tartar is the teeth resulting in damage to the network buffer, starting from the gingival (gum part that we can see). This condition is called gingivitis (gum inflammation). Because there is inflammation of the gums to bleed easily when exposed to mechanical trauma, such as a toothbrush or a toothpick. So, bleeding gums are early signs of damage to the gums.

If not treated immediately then the tartar can continue to grow so that the attachment of the gums to the teeth become loose surface and form the sac of the gums (called a periodontal pocket). This condition is accompanied by bleeding gums and tooth supporting bone damage. As a result, if not immediately treated tooth to be rocking and finally the date. This condition is called periodontitis.

Because the cause is bacterial colonies on the plaque and tartar, then the solution of this problem is to do the cleaning of plaque and tartar. Plaque can be cleaned by brushing teeth regularly and correctly. Frequency of brushing teeth at least twice daily, morning after breakfast and at night before bed. Brushing direction is from the gums towards the teeth. Brushing your teeth in the horizontal direction is not justified because it will cause tooth abrasion and gingival recession neck (upper jaw gum looked up, lower jaw gums looked down, so the tooth root surface is visible).

Tartar can not be cleaned by brushing. So if there is tartar then need to come to the dentist to do scaling (tartar cleaning). Next the dentist will see up to where the tooth supporting tissue damage occurs. If only there gingivitis, then the act of scaling is usually sufficient. But when it happened periodontitis, periodontal treatment may be taken further. Should we come to the dentist every six months to conduct a thorough examination so that problems can be treated early.

Apart from tartar and plaque, bleeding gums are also associated with several diseases, including vitamin C deficiencies and blood disorders. Lack of vitamin C occur in people who do not eat vegetables or fruit in the long term. Gums in people with vitamin C deficiency becomes swollen, purple and bleeding. State of vitamin C deficiency is called Scurvy. How to handle is to provide vitamin C.

Blood disorder that is usually associated with bleeding gums are leukemia and thrombocytopenia. Leukemia is a malignancy of white blood cells, while thrombocytopenia is a condition in which a decline in the number of platelets in the blood. In patients with leukemia, gum infiltrated by white blood cells are malignant. Clinically gums appear enlarged. Because the leukemia generally also occur thrombocytopenia patients with leukemia also the gums bleed easily. Platelets are one of the elements of blood needed for blood clotting. If the number drops to below the limit of prescription drugs online without a prescription normal then the likelihood of bleeding is greater. Thrombocytopenia is a disease that can stand alone or part of another illness, such as dengue fever. So if found bleeding gums accompanied by other symptoms such as body fatigue, fever, weight loss, night sweats and others should immediately come to the doctor to do further tests.

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Effect of Diet On Health Occupation

Favored by celebrities diet can cause long-term problem, experts claim, but the inventor says obesity is a real health risk

It has been hailed as the French food that reportedly helped the Duchess of Cambridge to blackmail the royal wedding dress and allows the singer Jennifer Lopez and supermodel Gisele Bündchen to shift their pregnancy pounds.

Jennifer Lopez is among the celebrities said to have lost weight on the Dukan diet

Occupation of protein-rich diet, which swept across Europe and the United States, has become a weight loss plan of choice for the rich and famous. They were attracted by the promise of losing up to 15 pounds (2 stone) in a few weeks by eating as much as they want, as long as it is mostly meat, fish and fat-free cheese.

Fans of the diet is also said to include mother-of-the-bride-Carole Middleton and opera singer Katherine Jenkins. Those who have slimmed to a shadow of their former self in the diet will not have a word said against it, despite his cruel rule.

Perhaps, however, all too good to be true. Some people claim that eating patterns, discovered by French nutritionist Dr. Pierre occupation, not only effective but can damage the health of a diet '.

A survey of nearly 5,000 "Dukanians" found that 80% back all the weight they had lost in three years, and experts who analyzed the results of a survey which claimed the diet was a risk to public health.

Dr Boris Hansel, metabolism and cardiovascular systems specialist at the Pitié-Salpetriere hospital in Paris, said: "The diet is not a long-term success because it does not meet the needs of our bodies.

"There are real risks ... infertility, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, type two diabetes, heart disease or cardiovascular problems following this diet is not dangerous;. That can cause real health problems," he told Le Parisien newspaper.

"Our investigation is the beginning and shows the need for a real scientific study of diet occupation should be evaluated for causing public health problems .."

Doctors claim the latest occupation advice for pregnant women to follow her diet "as early as possible and throughout pregnancy" putting their unborn babies at risk.

Irene Margaritis, a spokesman for the French food standards authorities, said a pregnant woman who risked dieted slow the growth of her baby.

He criticized the recommendation occupation of mother-to-be a lot of eating oily fish, seafood (including crustaceans) and the rest, which is rich in vitamin A, excess of which can cause malformations.

Occupation, which has published 20 books in 14 languages ​​and sold millions of copies worldwide, is the biggest selling author in France. He rejected criticism, saying the normal and healthy diet, and help those who follow it to avoid what was perceived as a real health risks: being fat.

"We doctors weigh the risks and benefits I consider that the real risk is being overweight and obesity .. Every day there are people who died from this and I tried to fight it," said Le Parisien.

He added: "If a mother is obese during pregnancy he would have a child at risk of diabetes or being overweight."

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Indonesian traditional skin scrubs

Luluran, a fun and relaxing activity for women. in addition to lift the skin cells that die, luluran
can also help clean the dirt stuck to the skin so your skin can breathe again. Luluran can also calm because of the massage therapist can relieve fatigue and blood circulation, so that your body will become lighter and fresh.

Before doing the activity luluran, it would be nice if we know first what is the appropriate body scrub for your skin. Following this, several types of scrubs that are often used and their respective properties - which quoted from the book The Essence of Indonesia Spa -

Scrub Bengkoang
Bengkoang have perfect cleaning agent. The benefits of this type include scrub to remove dead skin cells, eliminate body odor, nourishing the skin, improve blood circulation, brightens dull skin and maintain skin moisture quickly so as not to wrinkle.

Body Scrub Bali security
Made of natural Indonesian spices, like turmeric, cloves, galangal, ginger and cinnamon, is useful to assist the body in detoxification processes, accelerate blood circulation, soften skin, warms the body and also good to do for you who are experiencing symptoms of flu and sore -stiff.

Chocolate body scrub
This body scrub is perfect for those who often are in air-conditioned room, because that has antioxidant chocolate body scrub is merit in maintaining skin moisture. In addition, body scrub made from chocolate that is rich in fat chocolate or cocoa butter, is also efficacious to remove dead skin cells, providing nutrients to the skin, brightens skin, and improve circulation of oxygen and blood circulation edge.

Sea salt body scrub
Made from a base of sea salt which is used for bathing is efficacious as an antiseptic, eliminate body odor and itching, increase the vitality of the body and gives freshness and reduce muscle tension.

Coffee Body Scrub
Made from a mixture of coffee, red rice, black rice and white rice, make a body scrub this one has many benefits for improving the circulation of oxygen and improving blood circulation, providing nutrients to the skin, remove impurities and dust, and eliminate fatigue.

Papaya Body Scrub
Scrub is rich in enzymes and vitamins are very nutritious for the skin, antioxidants, gave the intake of nutrients to the skin and maintain skin elasticity.

Strawberry scrub
Made from extract of strawberry fruit containing acid is efficacious salisat to brighten the skin. Meanwhile folic acid content of strawberries can be tightened at the same time soften the skin.

Tea Body Scrub scrub
Green tea and black tea it does have many benefits, such as remove dead skin cells, eliminate body odor, whiten skin, keep skin moist, prevents skin wrinkles, remove acne, prevent skin cancer and there are some other benefits.

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The emergence of Dandruff Cause

Here are the early symptoms and causes of excessive dandruff:

Oily skin
Many people believe that dandruff is caused by dry scalp. However, dandruff are also found in oily scalp. Layer of excess oil on the scalp to dry out, thicken and become debris in the form of dandruff.

If you exercise regularly, you perspire more, which also can cause dandruff, especially if you do not wash as often as they should.

Certain forms of dandruff are also believed to be caused by the fungus on the scalp. Because of this fungus can not be eliminated entirely so can not be eradicated dandruff too low, can only be controlled.

Other factors include
Other factors include: Cold weather, use of sprays and hair oil, shampoo is not suitable, less shampoo rinses clean, rarely wash your hair, diet, stress and hormone disruption.

Use of hair cosmetics
The use of hair cosmetics that contain ingredients that cause irritation, can cause dandruff. In addition, the shampoo containing detergent (sodium lauryl sulphate) can cause irritation.

Food also affects the occurrence of dandruff. Nutritional factors that play a role is defiensi biotin, free fatty acid metabolism abnormalities, as well as riboflavin and pyridoxine deficiency. Some foods can also affect the severity of dandruff, such as butter and fried foods. "Ice cream, milk, cheese, refined sugar (pure sugar) and foods that are too hot, spicy foods also trigger dandruff,"

Stress can be a trigger, Dwipayana mention, because it will increase the androgennya hormone, which then continues and triggers excess oil glands causing scalp easily separated.

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Avocados Potions For Hair Care

For hair care, certainly a lot of beauty products on offer in supermarkets or shops nearby. However, we all certainly want the best results for yourself. And natural products may be an option for some people. But if you want a little trouble for better results for the''crown'' you, there are some natural ingredients from fruits that can be used as a hair treatment. One is the avocado. This one fruit is recommended for the hydrating and rich in protein. Find out how to hair care by using avocado following:
  • Puree a ripe avocado fruit and mix with one tablespoon of lemon juice. One teaspoon of sea salt and one tablespoon of pure aloe until like a paste.
  • Averaged this ingredient in your hair with your fingers.
  • Then close your hair with a shower cap, and cover with a towel around it to close.
  • Let stand for 20 to 30 minutes, during which you can wait by reading books or listening to CD tracks.
  • Open your hair that has been moistened. Rinse with water, clean, give a shampoo and rinse again to the soft hair and captivating.
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Step By Step Hair Care

Hair is important objects such as a crown for every human and other contributing to the overall appearance of your body. If your hair is beautiful and very well maintained with neat then you will feel more comfortable for both women and men, but if you've had something bad on the hair, like hair loss, cracked, broken, dull, etc., will make you worry about your appearance. Regular hair care is the answer.

Below I will present some hair care tips to keep it beautiful and healthy:

1. Check if your hair is not healthy. To check whether your hair is healthy or not, drop the hair into a glass of water and the tap-tap the cup is to describe the surface tension of water. If the hair is lost, damaged hair, hair 'damaged' is usually dry and porous. Improving conditions using herbal conditioner and shampoo. If the hair floats, followed by hair care routine.

2. When you leave home between the hours of 9:00 to 4:00, try to wear a hat or umbrella, even on a cloudy day, because sunlight can make your hair becomes dull. If you have to move, choose the shade. Try this step by hair care as well.

3. You definitely will swim in the sea-renanglah or in the pool. Then use conditioner, because the chlorine and salt can cause your hair become dry or broken. Try using a leave in conditioner that contains UV absorber to absorb UV light. This product will help once in your hair care as well.

4. To avoid frizz is very annoying, you must apply conditioner to all the sidelines of your hair using a comb with wide Combing section. Let this sproses ver three minutes and then rinse the hair. This is one of the most important step in the step-step treatment of hair.

5. Change your hair's natural moisture is lost by using the cover of hair after shampooing, before applying conditioner. This product will support the care of your hair.

6. After shampooing, use a seldom-toothed comb to straighten wet hair, comb from the head, slowly went upstairs.

7. Try to reduce the use of a hair dryer to dry hair is not always but if you are in a hurry and have to wear hair dryer, you must keep a distance between her blow dryer so as not to get too close to the hair. This also important in the step by step treatment of hair.

8. If your hair is long, use a conditioner with a normal moisture level regularly at least 2 days, because the content of nutrients and moisture in conditioner to give maximum service to the ends of your hair.

9. Step hair care is no less important is that you also have to cut your hair regularly, every 3 months to keep the tip of your hair is always healthy, not branched, and so are not cracked or dry which is very annoying.

10. In summer, hair loss is usually more frequent. Therefore, wearing hair loss prevention product. Do creambath in the salon or even at your home at least once a month. Hair will feel very difficult in the summer, because all of you body will feel tired and lazy to do the hair treatment.

11. For large high volume hair styles, turn your hair up and down, use a cream hair gel or mousse or hairspray and dry down, flip your hair back to get a hair style you want. Hair care is also likely important!

12. Everything you eat can have a major impact on the condition of your hair, skin and other parts of your physical appearance. So, you have to do every day hair care on a regular basis to maintain the quality of your hair. Hair Care is easy easy difficult.

Sometimes - sometimes a lot of people who fail in their hair. So that makes them desperate in the care of their hair. But I believe, you all will be successful in your hair care as well.

Do not forget to follow your hair care program!

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Reduce Bad Cholesterol with Apple

'An apple a day, the doctor was away'. Hmmm, familiar with this term? Apparently, the apple does not only keep the doctor away, but also drive out bad cholesterol from the body.

According to a study reported by my health news, apples can lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in women without making the body weight increases. Studies conducted Florida State University showed that women who eat an apple every day for six months, the levels of bad cholesterol dropped by 23 percent. While the good cholesterol rose about 4 percent.

Results were obtained after the Department of Nutrition Professor Bahram H. Arjmandi and his team studied 160 women aged 45 to 65 years. Respondents were divided into two groups. The first group ate 75 grams (about 1 / 3 cup) dried apples every day for a year. While the second group ate dried fruits in the same time frame.

During the study period, blood samples they examined every three months, six months and at the end of the study period. What were the results? Apparently, the group that ate the apple, bad cholesterol in the blood is lower and lipid hydroperoxide (poison on free radicals, cause damage to body cells) is reduced compared to when they first start of the study.

The researchers also found that 240 calories a day derived from the consumption of apples does not trigger a rise in body weight in women. Actually reduced their weight to 3.3 pounds in one year.

"Although in the study, respondents eat dried apples, the effect is the same if they eat fresh apples," says dietitian Keri Gans, who also participated in the study.

How do apples work reduces bad cholesterol? Quoted from Channel News Asia, the fibers are easily destroyed in apples can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The fibers bind fat and help their spending.

To lower cholesterol, eat one regular apples every day, for one year. Suggestions Magdalin Cheong, head of diet at Changi General Hospital. Apples are best according to research is the red and still fresh. Red apple is better than a green apple because it contains more quercentin (an anti-oxidant) on the skin.

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5 Ways to Remove Acne Naturally

Facial acne in appearance and often interfere eliminate self-confidence. But not infrequently, care products offered on the market was unable to stop acne.

Than cure, it's better to prevent acne the natural way. The key is in our lifestyle. Find out how in six steps from quoted below.

1. Expand eat garlic
Garlic can destroy harmful bacteria in the pores of the skin. In addition, garlic also works to increase the immune system, including the skin. So that acne can be prevented.

2. Irradiate the skin to the sun
The skin needs sunlight in order to wake her health so that the cells can be activated properly. Leave the skin exposed to sunlight in the morning at least 15 minutes every day.

3. Exercise and sleep enough
Stress that you experience every day will also trigger hormonal imbalances and ends on acne. Exercise and enough sleep will help the body stabilize your hormones back.

4. Wash your face with warm water
Acne can arise due to debris buildup in the pores. Warm water will make the pores open for a while, so a special soap to clean your face skin to the max. Once clean, wash your face again with plain water, so the pores close again.

5. Clean the body of toxins
Foods that are less clean and pollution that we experience every day can be toxic and stimulate the development of acne in the skin. How to get rid of toxins (detoxification), which naturally is by drinking enough water every day. Buildup of toxins in the body will come out with dirt and sweat, so that the acne would not arise.

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Benefits of Honey for Facial Beauty

Since old times beauty is the main capital womankind, I wonder if the women working in various ways to maintain the beauty of their bodies. One of the natural ingredients, which since ancient times believed in maintaining the beauty is full of honey. Until now, honey is used in a variety of products beauty products for skin care to hair.

Honey is a natural humectant, which means having the ability to attract and retain moisture. The ability of skin to retain moisture is an important factor to maintain softness, suppleness and elasticity of skin. Along with age, skin loses its ability to bind water - which cause dry skin or wrinkles. Environmental influence is not less bad for the skin, such as exposure to pollution and various chemicals.

Rather than pocket discharged for treatment at the spa, in fact we can perform personal care with the most natural ingredients, namely honey. Natural substances contained in the honey helps the body perform their functions in the skin moisturizing. Moreover, natural honey is suitable for all skin types, even for very sensitive skin ones.

A recent study of honey's effectiveness as an antimicrobial agent, which serves to prevent bacterial growth. According to Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home, the antimicrobial properties of honey make it useful in the treatment of mild acne. Unlike the products of other acne treatments, honey does not contain moisture in dry skin.

If you include people who like to take advantage of natural honey to polish your beauty, it never hurts to listen to the efficacy of honey for beauty tips below. Who knew you could be more beautiful and fresh of course.

Honey Benefits:

- Remedy, Skin (For Skin Acne Light)
Combine ½ cup of warm water with ¼ teaspoon salt. By using a cotton bud apply directly to the acne. Give pressure with cotton for a few minutes, to soften the part. Use cotton, dab honey on the acne. Leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse and pat gently to dry.

- Tightening Face Mask
From some research came to light, honey is used as a face mask, very effectively inhibits premature aging and wrinkles. Interested? try to apply pure honey on your face and leave on for approximately 15 minutes, until dry. Once dry, rinse your face with warm water.

- Bath For Skin Starred
The results revealed Janice Cox, honey cause tremendous effect on the skin. One of them is to make skin glow. To moisturize, soften and make the skin shiny, take with a bottle of honey when you shower. Apply to the skin and pat with both hands until dry. Meanwhile, pat the skin, the honey will stick in your skin. Wash the sticky honey used after you finish. And you can enjoy the results with skin that looks beautiful and sunny.

Honey Bath
This is not an Elvis song Sukaesih! Believe it or not, the efficacy of honey bath has been done since the time of Queen Cleopatra. To get that sweet smell and soft skin, add ¼ to ½ cup of honey in your bath water.

- Honey Scrub
Rounding out the benefits to the skin, honey can also be used to peel off dead skin (scrubbing). Mix 1 teaspoon honey with a little almond flour into the palm of your hand. Rub gently to the face as a facial scrub. Then wash your face with warm water to remove the honey.

- Cleaning Face Every Day
The trick is very simple and easy, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with a little milk powder in the palm of the hand. Apply on face to remove all dirt and make-up, and then wash thoroughly with warm water.

- Hair Starred
In order for the hair shine and easy to customize, combine 1 tablespoon honey, juice of one lemon, and a little warm water. Rinse your hair with shampoo as usual and then pour the mixture on the hair. Dry the hair in the normal way.

- Hair Conditioner
Beyond the benefits to the hair shiny, honey also can maintain healthy hair and scalp. Try to mix ½ cup of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil prophecy. Spread evenly into the hair and scalp, then take the hair cover and let stand for 30 minutes in a closed state. After 30 minutes, keramasi with shampoo and rinse your hair as usual.

- Skin Toner
To tighten, soften and moisturize the skin, mix 1 piece of orange peel plus one tablespoon of honey in a blender until smooth. Gently rub the mixture of honey had to face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water to clean the mixture.

But, that should really remember, before you do the experiment, you should make sure the products you buy honey 100% pure / genuine. And for those of you who are allergic to honey, you should not try this recipe.

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How Prevention of Cervical Cancer

If in the previous article we discussed about How to Know the Cervical Cancer, will now be discussed further on Cervical Cancer Prevention How should we know as a precautionary measure. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is the scourge of cancer disease most feared by all the women of the world. This cancer is claimed the lives and is the number one cancers most deadly.

But do not be afraid if we know what the cause of Cervical Cancer. We should know the symptoms and risk, with this expected to reduce the sense of anxiety to us, especially women. Here is an article about the early prevention of Cervical Cancer:

Prevention, according to Nasdaldy, can be done with three strategies: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary prevention is needed in all populations that have a risk of cervical cancer. How, by providing counseling. "Not only medical, but could be in schools because many do not know and do not care," he said.

Secondary prevention is also needed in people who have no symptoms. This is so that the incidence could be reduced and possible treatment as early as possible. Treatment early, in addition to cost a bit, the result was better. While the tertiary prevention performed on people who have been hit by this disease.

There are several things you can do for primary prevention in patients with cervix. But the important thing is to reduce risk factors. For example, eliminate sexual behavior that resulted in exposure to infection with human papilloma virus (HPV). "Women are more susceptible to HPV infection," he said.

No less important as the nutritional factor. According to these specialists people with good nutrition is easier to prevent attacks of this disease. It must be remembered, no dietary restrictions for patients with cancer. Because it was not true a statement which says that cancer patients should not eat meat. "That's a myth," he said.

Nutrients, he said, is necessary for the prevention of this disease. Good food to eat is caretenoids, vitamin A, retinoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate. Dark green and yellow vegetables are also good for improving nutrition.

In addition to lowering risk factors and nutrition, primary prevention is also necessary with the vaccination. Immunization, said Nasdaldy, made active at a young age before sexual intercourse and is still in development stage.

Preventive vaccine aimed at forming antibodies and given to healthy people. The vaccine treatment is given to people already infected with HVP and immune system stimulation.

World Health Organization (WHO) recommends, the vaccine should be given the first time in five years after active sex or the age of 25 years until age 65. Frequency of vaccination, the world body's advice, conducted 2-3 years with a record of two consecutive negative.

Already read the article above. Prevention is essential we do, we can not know whether we, he or those affected by this cancer. Apply a healthy way of life and the preparation of a Healthy Food List of alternatives to improve our lifestyle.

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Female Breast Cancer Symptoms

Maybe we've read in a magazine, an article or talk shows that discuss breast cancer. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue, not only women but also men. But breast cancer killed more women and more risky.

Now we will discuss about Breast Cancer Symptoms Women, completed the picture to find out and check whether you are free from this disease. Breast cancer can begin to grow from in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and jarigan tissue in the breast. We can not know for sure what is the cause of breast cancer, but we can tell from the appearance of risk factors for this disease. The following are factors that influence a woman's risk of breast cancer:

1. Age.
About 60% of breast cancers occur in over 60 years of age. The greatest risk found in women aged over 75 years.

2. Ever had breast cancer.
After the affected breast is removed, then the risk of breast cancer in a healthy increase of 0.5-1% / year.

3. Family history of breast cancer.
Women who are mothers, sisters or children suffering from cancer, had a 3 times greater risk for breast cancer.

4. Genetic and hormonal factors.

5. Ever suffered from non-cancerous breast disease.

6. Menarche (first menstruation) before age 12, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.

7. The use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.

8. Obesity after menopause.

9. The use of alcohol.

10 The use of alcohol more than 1-2 cups / day can increase the risk of breast cancer.

11. Chemicals.
Some studies have mentioned the exposure of chemicals that resemble estrogen (which is contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.

12. DES (diethylstilbestrol).
Women who took DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.

13 irradiation.

Then how to know the symptoms of someone affected by breast cancer ...? Early symptoms include a lump that is usually perceived differently than the surrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.

In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin. In later stages, the lump usually adheres to the chest wall or the surrounding skin. In advanced cancer, can form a swollen lump or breast skin ulcers. Sometimes the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.

Other symptoms that may be found is a lump or mass in the armpit, change size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple (usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), a change in color or texture of the skin on the breasts, nipples and areola (dark brown colored area around the nipple), breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly, nipples are interested in or feel itching, breast tenderness or swelling of one breast. At an advanced stage may develop bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin.

Cancer is very scary not only for patients but also for those who read or view the malignancy of this disease. Cancer has a lot of types other than breast cancer, one of the most feared is cervical cancer. This cancer is "one of the number one and illness that had claimed the lives of women. We must be sensitive to this disease and know how to prevent cervical cancer.

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