The emergence of Dandruff Cause

Here are the early symptoms and causes of excessive dandruff:

Oily skin
Many people believe that dandruff is caused by dry scalp. However, dandruff are also found in oily scalp. Layer of excess oil on the scalp to dry out, thicken and become debris in the form of dandruff.

If you exercise regularly, you perspire more, which also can cause dandruff, especially if you do not wash as often as they should.

Certain forms of dandruff are also believed to be caused by the fungus on the scalp. Because of this fungus can not be eliminated entirely so can not be eradicated dandruff too low, can only be controlled.

Other factors include
Other factors include: Cold weather, use of sprays and hair oil, shampoo is not suitable, less shampoo rinses clean, rarely wash your hair, diet, stress and hormone disruption.

Use of hair cosmetics
The use of hair cosmetics that contain ingredients that cause irritation, can cause dandruff. In addition, the shampoo containing detergent (sodium lauryl sulphate) can cause irritation.

Food also affects the occurrence of dandruff. Nutritional factors that play a role is defiensi biotin, free fatty acid metabolism abnormalities, as well as riboflavin and pyridoxine deficiency. Some foods can also affect the severity of dandruff, such as butter and fried foods. "Ice cream, milk, cheese, refined sugar (pure sugar) and foods that are too hot, spicy foods also trigger dandruff,"

Stress can be a trigger, Dwipayana mention, because it will increase the androgennya hormone, which then continues and triggers excess oil glands causing scalp easily separated.

Healthy Living


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