Nutritional Balance - The imbalance of nutrients that we consume, can cause health problems and excess weight. Poor nutrition may be due as follows:

Things that affect the nutritional quality include:



Excessive fertilizing the soil with pesticide spraying
Preserving the deteriorating environmental situation and the process of cooking food storage
Digestion problems
The use of drugs
Alcohol and smoking
Poor nutrition


Intake of calories into the body exceeds the number of calories out, so the excess is stored in the body into fat deposits are scattered in certain parts, such as waist, abdomen, upper arms, and other body parts.
Lifestyle and diet, which consume more foods with high fat content, a little exercise, even sometimes do not do at all, which may be due to activities that are too busy or lazy.
Snacking habits, often done when we feel hungry, or even at bedtime. There are many of us who always provides snacks in our bedroom.
Of the estimated 210 million population of Indonesia in 2000, the number of people who are overweight is estimated to reach 76.7 million (17.5%) and obese patients totaled more than 9.8 million (4.7%). Based on these data, it can be concluded that overweight and obesity in Indonesia has become a major problem that requires serious treatment.

The estimated prevalence of overweight and obesity in Indonesia
(Dit BGM MOH, 1997)


And what do we do after realizing that our body feel fat or overweight? Many of us immediately go on a diet, without knowing the correct diet is healthy.
Diet circle Wrong

Most people use various methods to reduce weight. They run a low-calorie diet, the use of wrapping the body, exercise machines, pills and drinks, as well as join weight-loss clinic. Statistics show that 90% of people who diet gain back the weight they lose within one year, All sorts of efforts have been made. What is missing is effort & money - not weight.

And what most diet is a diet cycle or circle without end of the base, starting from:

Feeling obesity / overweight. Once aware of the overweight, decided to start reducing it.
Diet / Reduce Food. A diet that is done by reducing the usual foods consumed to reduce fat.
Hunger and lack of Vitamins and Minerals. By reducing the food, the body will experience the impact of a reduction in Vitamins and Minerals that are normally received from the food consumption.
Disadvantages of Micro and Macro Substance (Stress and Hunger). In fact, your body will feel weak, irritable, and the pain of hunger.
Discouragement. How did it go? Weight loss, but felt weak and hungry.
Overeating / Revenge. End what happens is eating all the foods commonly eaten in excess because of hunger and feel confident body weight has been reduced. And cause, the agency received back in excess of food intake and will be back to being fat because of the uncontrolled release of food consumed.

Healthy Living


PreviLEAN said...

A healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercising, keeping your weight in the normal range and not smoking benefits our health, and our hearts according to a new study. Healthy Living

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