According to a study reported by my health news, apples can lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in women without making the body weight increases. Studies conducted Florida State University showed that women who eat an apple every day for six months, the levels of bad cholesterol dropped by 23 percent. While the good cholesterol rose about 4 percent.
Results were obtained after the Department of Nutrition Professor Bahram H. Arjmandi and his team studied 160 women aged 45 to 65 years. Respondents were divided into two groups. The first group ate 75 grams (about 1 / 3 cup) dried apples every day for a year. While the second group ate dried fruits in the same time frame.
During the study period, blood samples they examined every three months, six months and at the end of the study period. What were the results? Apparently, the group that ate the apple, bad cholesterol in the blood is lower and lipid hydroperoxide (poison on free radicals, cause damage to body cells) is reduced compared to when they first start of the study.
The researchers also found that 240 calories a day derived from the consumption of apples does not trigger a rise in body weight in women. Actually reduced their weight to 3.3 pounds in one year.
"Although in the study, respondents eat dried apples, the effect is the same if they eat fresh apples," says dietitian Keri Gans, who also participated in the study.
How do apples work reduces bad cholesterol? Quoted from Channel News Asia, the fibers are easily destroyed in apples can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The fibers bind fat and help their spending.
To lower cholesterol, eat one regular apples every day, for one year. Suggestions Magdalin Cheong, head of diet at Changi General Hospital. Apples are best according to research is the red and still fresh. Red apple is better than a green apple because it contains more quercentin (an anti-oxidant) on the skin.
Healthy Living
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