HPV has the potential to be transmitted through sexual contacts. Among them, of course, through sexual intercourse. Problem vaccinations and stuff around cervical cancer, girls must have gotten an adequate explanation from the doctor and the parents on this subject in order to increase awareness of the dangers of cervical cancer.
Compulsory Vaccination
As a parent, it will take whatever steps as quickly as possible is best for the child. Of course worried about the dangers of cervical cancer prevention and, if already there, why is it not done?
Young women are the ideal target to get cervical cancer vaccination. "Actually, this vaccine can be given to women of all ages, but there are conditions, ie there is no sexual contact, the condition of normal cervix, and no pre-cancerous lesions. In the United States, the ideal age for women to be vaccinated 9 to 13 years, maybe in Indonesia from 14 to 27 years, "said Dr. Nugroho.
Vaccine delivery is done three times in a row. After the first vaccine, two months later the patient hares back for a second vaccination. Vaccine within the last three or six months later.
Price per injection vaccine USD 950 thousand to one million. "That's not other costs," said Dr. Nugroho. Indeed, the recognition of the current expensive and can only reach the upper middle class.
"In the future this type of vaccination to be an obligation on developed countries like the U.S.. I am confident because the incoming compulsory vaccination, later the price will go down as in the case of hepatitis B vaccine, "he said.
Transmitted Men
Recognized by Dr. Nugroho, vaccination was only to prevent HPV types 16 and 18 the risk of causing cervical cancer. "This vaccine can not kill 30 to 40 of HPV that attacks the reproductive organs of 120 species are already known. However, there are also several types of HPV that follow vaccination prevented thanks to this, "he said.
How can HPV infection through sex and non-sexual. Track sex occur through genital contact, either through intercourse or oral sex. Line non-sex occurs through underwear, gloves operations, as well as normal vaginal birth. In this case the virus move from the vagina to the baby through the baby's respiratory tract.
HPV infection, according to Dr. Nugroho, classified in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). More than 75 percent of women who have sex once infected with the HPV virus. Peak infection occurs between the ages of 18 to 22 years. Infection risk is increased many times if frequent change of partners. "Remember also that men also can transmit HPV," he said.
These infections can also happen to you. When that happens, 80 percent of the HPV virus will be cleared by the immune system. The rest is likely to be settled in the body of infections and risk of cervical cancer.
Although already vaccinated, pap smear test is still encouraged by Dr. Nugroho. "If you are married or do hubngan sex, do pap smears on a regular basis," he said. A Pap smear is a procedure for making cells from the cervix to be examined by microscope to detect abnormalities in the cervix.
Vaccinations and pap smears in conjunction with education about cervical cancer is the cancer prevention measures. "From the hospital data, cervical cancer is the number one killer in Indonesia. From population data, breast cancer number one in Indonesia, "he said.
According to WHO data every year around the world 490 thousand women are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Most cancer patients were in developing countries. Of that number 490 thousand, 240 thousand of them died.
Know Your Reproductive Organs
Cervix is the organ part of the female reproductive system. This is the bottom of the uterus, uterine alias pear-shaped. The cervix is a liaison uterus with the vagina. Through the cervical canal was menstrual blood flowing every month to get out through the vagina.
Cervical mucus producing jugs. Mucus is tasked to help the sperm move from the vagina into the uterus. During pregnancy, the cervix is tightly closed to protect the baby in the womb. When baby is ready to be born, the cervix is open, so the baby can pass through the vagina.
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
1. Abnormal Bleeding
• bleeding after sexual intercourse.
• Abnormal bleeding outside the time of menstruation.
• Bleeding after the menopause.
2. Yellowish and smelly discharge from vagina
3. Pain or pain
• Pain in the hip.
• Pain in legs
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