Prevention recommended Dr. Sutjipto is, 'Women who are married and bear children before age 35 years, and breast-feeding her baby has a lower risk of breast cancer, whereas for men, not smoking and not drinking alcohol can reduce the risk of cancer'.
Meanwhile, according to Ali Khomsan, a nutritionist from the IPB, 'consumption of fruits, vegetables and nuts are rich in fiber and antioxidants to prevent cancer'.
The next step is always the health check for early detection of cancer. Indonesia Cancer Foundation (www.kankerindo.org) is one of the foundations that actively providing information about cancer, and early inspection free of charge.
The next step is treatment that can be done through surgery, chemotherapy (radiation) or hormonal therapy through hormone tablets are taken regularly. Houses Cancer (www.rumahkanker.com) is one of the foundation that consists of the volunteers and doctors who provide information on cancer treatment, either modern or traditional. Cancer house itself provides some traditional medicines for cancer delivered by dolter from the health department.
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