Characteristics of Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Prevention mode. Breast cancer is one cancer that is often discussed in the medical world because one type of deadly cancer. Breast cancer does not just strike women, men can be affected even if the comparison lakipun 1: 1000. Malignancy of breast cancer that is attacking the surrounding normal cells are especially vulnerable cells. Normal cells that have been attacked by cancer cells will grow rapidly so that the patient will enlarge breasts, or look swollen
The characteristics or symptoms of breast cancer that usually arises is:
1. Arising in the breast lump that the longer the lump is getting hardened and
irregular shape
2. The shape, size or weight of a breast change
3. Arises a small lump under the armpit
4. Out of blood, pus, or watery fluid from the nipple
5. Breast skin wrinkled
6. Breast nipple or nipple changes shape pressed into the
Prevention of breast cancer if there are traits or symptoms above, would that immediately went to a specialist to avoid the things that you do not want and avoid obesity or overweight, reduce fatty foods, multiply foods containing vitamins A and C and Sport regularly.
Well hopefully posting about the symptoms or characteristics of breast cancer and its prevention can add insight and your concern about the importance of health.
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