In general, hair loss is caused by two factors: heredity and hereditary or acquired factors. Loss due to hereditary factors is not much to do but prevent the loss does not take place quickly. While the factors obtained, there is a caused by the disease and there is also the fault of the hair treatment.
Here are some tips you can do to reduce the occurrence of hair loss:
* Eat nutritious foods, especially a lot of protein and iron. Protein is essential for the growth of organs including the hair. The main source of protein derived from fish, eggs, nuts, yogurt, soy and others.
* Avoid stress because stress will disrupt the body's metabolism that impact to the hair as well.
* Stay away from drugs that can disrupt hair growth.
* Be diligent exercise. Get regular exercise will facilitate the circulation of blood including blood circulation in the scalp which will nourish the hair.
* In addition to diligent exercise, adequate rest so that your hair growth is more optimal.
* Stop smoking, reduce caffeine consumption. Both these substances are not good for your hair.
* Avoid using too hot water when shampooing and also avoid using the hair dryer too often. Dry your hair with a towel and her just-aired in the open air.
* Protect your scalp from direct sunlight.
* Choose to use a good herbal shampoo, do not use a shampoo made of chemicals that are not clear.
* Your hair comb your hair gently while still in a state of somewhat wet.
* Reduce the use of hair gel, cream, hair oil, hair dye and hair spray. Use products made from natural ingredients.
* When you shave hair, barber recommendation you use a sharp scissors.
* Avoid the habit of pulling hair pulled with no apparent reason.
Hair is the crown of a woman, so treat it well before he was cranky.